How to Spot Whether Your Septum is Deviated

You could have the most delicate features and the prettiest nose on the outside, but that doesn't mean that your nose is healthy. You have a beautiful face already - we all know that - but if you have any concerns about your features then the best thing that you can do is get some advice from your doctor. Down the center of your nose is a septum and this is made with cartilage and bone which divides the nose into two sections. 

It should be in a straight line but if your nose is slightly off center or crooked, you’re going to notice. While contouring is a wonderful tool to redefine your profile and help you to feel good about your features, you’re still going to need to think about how you can determine whether your septum is deviated enough for you to need extra care and help. When the septum is deviated, you might find breathing a little complicated and this can be fixed with the help of a good surgeon. So, how can you spot whether your septum is deviated? 

  • Your nose keeps bleeding. Frequent nosebleeds are an obvious consequence of septal deviation as your nose is drier than it usually would be. Of course, not every nosebleed comes from a deviated septum, but it’s very normal to get them and they can be annoying! 

  • You might find it harder to breathe. You know that feeling of having a blocked nose? Well, it’s common for those with a deviated septum except that it’s because of the obstruction of the nostrils occurring. It can then be a challenge to breathe through your nose and it could be completely blocked off from a severe deviation. This is where you should go ahead and speak to a doctor - you need oxygen!

  • You’re suffering with recurrent sinusitis. The sinuses are hollow spaces in all of the bones that surround the nose. It’s here that your nasal and throat mucus is produced and this keeps your nostrils well-lubricated. When your nose is blocked off by a deviated septum, you’ll find that the drainage isn't able to escape the way that it should, which can lead to a buildup of bacteria.

  • The headaches are awful! Some people who deal with nasal deviation also deal with persistent and horrible headaches. This is caused by swelling in the structures of the wall of the nose. Headaches can be helped with painkillers but a complete fix of your septum can get you feeling good again.

  • You are snoring - a lot. Sleep apnea is when you hold your breath or have a difficult time breathing while you’re asleep. A deviated septum can also cause you to have a disturbed sleep as you struggle to breathe through your nose, but instead breathe through an open mouth. You may not notice it right away but the dry mouth in the morning is a good giveaway. Speak to your doctor here so that you can be given the best care.