When You May Need To File A Lawsuit

There are numerous reasons to file a lawsuit. Most of the time, it's because someone hasn't treated you fairly. They could have caused you physical or financial harm. Perhaps they did not deliver on their promises. Perhaps they're refusing to pay you what you're owed. While there are many different types of lawsuits, most of them fall into a few categories. 

Damages Compensation 

Money recompense for personal injury is a common example of this. Someone has intentionally or unintentionally caused you bodily injury. You might seek reimbursement for hospital bills or missed wages. You might claim compensation for emotional suffering if you are no longer able to completely enjoy life and accomplish the things you enjoy. An injury might result from anything from police brutality to a physical assault to food poisoning at a restaurant. You may also seek compensation if someone has intentionally or negligently damaged your home or anything else you own. 

Also, if someone you care about has died, you may be eligible to seek compensation for emotional distress caused by the loss of companionship, which is known as "wrongful death." You may have gotten ill from water contamination that wasn’t your fault, in which case you can ​​file a Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuit now.

Contract Enforcement 

Contracts might be verbal, written, or implied. Written contracts offer the advantage of putting everything in black and white and allowing a court to see what you committed to. If you didn't get what you paid for, for example, if a contractor didn't perform their needed work adequately, you may need to sue for breach of contract. Another scenario is collecting a bad debt, which occurs when you owe money but the other party refuses to pay. Contract disputes can also develop when the language of a written contract is confusing or when persons differ on what they agreed to orally.

Warranty Breach 

When a merchant or manufacturer sets a guarantee for a product and the device fails to perform as expected, the warranty is breached and you are entitled to compensation. A warranty can be written, verbally extended by a salesman, or inferred through advertising. Companies must follow all promises, not just those in writing.

Liability for Products 

It's one thing when a product fails to perform as it should, but it's quite another when that product is unsafe and causes injury. Unfortunately, this occurs thousands of times each year in the United States. When you are injured by a harmful or faulty product, there are product liability standards that govern who is accountable.


We normally refer to divorce as "filing for divorce" rather than "suing for divorce," but divorce is essentially a lawsuit. It is distinct from other suits and operates under its own set of rules. It varies greatly from state to state and is usually classified as family law. Unlike most other suits, sometimes it’s not completely adversarial. Divorce law seeks to resolve issues in a way that is equitable to both parties and any children.