Tips For A Minimal Fashion Statement

Fashion has been around for many thousands of years. Fashion has been with us humans since we evolved to wear clothes due to climate changes between 3 million and 40,000 years ago. Today though, fashion can mean a multitude of things from expressing individuality to unity in a global cause. The fashion industry has evolved into a multi-billion industry that continues to grow, and here we can find out ways we can use it to express our individuality and show what we stand for.

To put it simply, fashion has been with us since we walked upright. It evolved from a hunter-gatherer and survival sense; wearing animal pelts, bones, and plant and tree materials, to an extremely competitive and diverse culmination of industries with countless meanings behind outfits, colors, textures, and accessories.

Today, fashion can encourage us to make style choices that work for us instead of following trends. Fashion can provide statements and whilst making a statement with what you wear or appearance in general, you can feel free to be independent and free of societal expectations. 

Sense of Purpose

Having individuality as a basis is about self-preservation and making a statement. So in fashion, it can give us a sense of purpose and direction. With all sorts of styles of clothing, accessories, body art and piercings, textiles, and other manufacturing techniques, finding your image or showing what you stand for can come rather easy with a little know-how.

Just remember, don't get lost in what everyone else is wearing. The fashion world is constantly moving fast and this can make it challenging to keep up with the trends. By adopting an individualist style, we promote a general sense of identity and can clear self-doubt. It is possible to be happy in fashion without emphasizing what you are wearing or what others may think. 

Less Is More

Many people have realized that less is more in fashion these days. They are no longer as interested in flashy and unnecessary impractical clothing and accessories. The principle of less is more, allows for more independence, sustainability, and space. By doing so, you are freed from societal pressures and able to make fashion choices that make you happy.


When it comes to your image, fewer strong features mean more punch. A person who is keen on individuality can clarify their style without being distracted. Visual cues, which you carefully consider, should be consistent and well-chosen. Signature pieces are the essence of style. For the men, it may be a pair of simple yet elegant shoes. For the women, it could be a shade of red lipstick or varnish. Gender’s arent always a play in fashion as a winter hat or a tattoo or piercing such as titanium nipple rings from UBJ, could equally show off your individualism through fashion.

The Rise of Minimalism In Fashion

Today, it is millennials who are a majority who are unwilling to spend money on unnecessary fashion items. Minimalism makes financial sense. Even though minimalists spend a lot of money to acquire high-quality fabrics, they save money in the long run.

Using minimalism to stand out without being trendy is easy. Minimalistic clothes complement each other overall without being overpowering and can highlight your feature. Follow the general rule to use mainly neutral colors on the clothes, such as beige, white, and black, and the cuts and designs are simple. These colors are easy to accessorize and they are perfect for creating a chic look.

If you enjoyed reading this and would like to share how you express your individuality through your fashion, please let us know in the comments below.

Accessorize responsibly

As any fashionista knows, the right accessories can make or break an outfit. A statement necklace or some diamond hoop earrings can add a touch of glamor to a simple dress, while a well-chosen scarf can inject an element of style into a basic jeans and t-shirt combo. However, it's important to remember that not all accessories are created equal. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of "fast fashion" accessories on the market, which are cheap to produce and often made from low-quality materials. These items are designed to be worn for a season or two before falling apart, which creates waste and encourages consumers to buy more.