(Image via Google)
I'm becoming tumblr inspired once again. Before I've started my many blogs, I do remember running an awesome tumblr account. I, however no longer have access to it since I can't remember if I completely abandoned it, deactivated it, or deleted it since becoming a blogger on this platform. Those were surely the good old days and I think it's time that I reunite and create a new tumblr!
Now of course I won't abandon my blog or anything crazy like that. In fact, I think I have a good idea! I'll be using tumblr to express myself with still photography while my blog will contain more detailed expressions. Now it's an idea in the making so it surely won't happen overnight but I did make sure to create my account before my username gets taken. :)
Maybe I'll start progressing more for the new year. We'll surely have to sit back and see. In the meantime, have a great Monday!