Guess what?! The semester is finally OVER. I've never felt so relieved in my life. I've finally completed the hardest semester of my life, and you know what, I'm overwhelmed but all I can do right now is hope for a better one next year.
I have so much news to update you guys with. First off, I've been in a new relationship these past two months and I've been so happy (when I'm not feeling overly stressed out with school) that words can't even describe. (P.S. - His name is Jamil (or Jam), for those wanting to know!)

Second update, Jam and I are heading to New York this Christmas! We'll mainly be in a "village" so I can meet his family and hopefully we'll have a day to take a trip down to the city so I can also experience the feeling of being back home because gosh I miss home so much.
Lastly, I'm so excited to be posting right now. I know it's late and its been nearly three weeks since my last post but I'm hoping to run into some great opportunities to post for you guys throughout my break before I head back to school. I've been thinking a lot about vlogging lately and I'm hoping to be able to invest in that idea soon, at least within the next couple of months if I can, how cool would that be?!
Overall, I hope everyone is looking forward to the holiday season, I know I am. Have a good night! <3